Cancellation Policy

Sometimes a user may need to cancel a transaction. Only a seller can cancel a DialedN order; if you’re a buyer who would like to request a cancellation, please contact the seller directly through Messages.

A seller may cancel a transaction if the cancellation meets all of DialedN’s policies and one of the following circumstances applies:

  • The order payment was not successful: The seller may flag a buyer for a payment not received, chargeback, or canceled payment.
  • The order payment was successful, and one of the following is true:
    • The seller agreed to a buyer request to cancel their order before fulfillment, and the seller has issued the buyer a full refund.
    • The seller has decided to refuse service to the buyer and the seller has issued a full refund, including postage.
    • The buyer did not receive the item(s) ordered, and the seller has issued a refund for the item. Refunding postage is optional, unless the buyer paid with DialedN Payments, in which case you'll need to refund in full.
    • The buyer and seller agreed that the buyer could return the item to the seller for a refund. The seller has received the returned item and issued a refund to the buyer for the item. Refunding postage is optional, unless the buyer paid with DialedN Payments, in which case you'll need to refund in full.