Prohibited Items Policy

At DialedN, we want to make sure that our platform is safe for all members of our community. As such, there are certain types of items that we don't allow to be listed, sold or posted on our platform. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Illegal Items or Encouraging Illegal Activity: You may not list items that are illegal, or promote or encourage illegal activity through the use of the listings or products.
  2. Dangerous Items: Including but not limited to hazardous materials, recalled items, weapons, firearms, and ammunition.
  3. Hate Items: Items that promote, support, or glorify hatred are not allowed.
  4. Illegal Drugs and Paraphernalia: This includes any form of drugs that are considered illegal in any jurisdiction, as well as drug paraphernalia.
  5. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Regulated Products: This includes cigarettes, e-cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, alcohol, and any products requiring age verification for purchase.
  6. Violent Items: Items that promote, support, or glorify violence are not allowed.
  7. Offensive Materials: Items that are racially or ethnically offensive, or items that contain inappropriate or explicit content.
  8. Animals and Certain Animal Products: Live animals, items made from endangered species, and products made from cats and dogs are prohibited.
  9. Counterfeit or Unauthorized Items: Replicas or fakes, unauthorized copies of copyrighted items, items that infringe upon an individual’s privacy, counterfeit items, unauthorized merchandise.
  10. Items That Violate Privacy: Items that infringe upon an individual’s privacy, including the sale of marketing lists and personal information.
  11. Perishable Food: Due to safety and health concerns, perishable food items are not allowed.
  12. Sexually Explicit Products or Content: No sexually explicit products, content, or services are allowed on DialedN.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and is subject to change. DialedN reserves the right to remove listings or content that we determine are not within the spirit of our platform. Such listings or content will be removed from the site, and the member's privileges may be suspended and/or terminated.

If you see something on DialedN that appears to violate these rules, you can report it to us at