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How Does DialedN Search Work?

When a user searches for an item on DialedN, DialedN’s search engine works to return the most relevant matches. This is accomplished in two phases for organic search results. First, DialedN search scans keywords across titles, attributes (e.g. color), categories, and tags in each product listing related to the search terms (a query) and returns an initial set of results. This phase is known as query matching.

Second, once DialedN search gathers all listings related to a buyer’s query, we use the information we have about each listing and shop to rank the listings so people browsing DialedN are shown items that they are most likely to purchase earlier in the results. This is the second phase, which we refer to as ranking. There are a number of different factors that are used when ranking listings in search results. Each is weighted differently and impacts ranking in organic search results. The most important factors are discussed below:

  • Relevancy: relevance refers to how proximate keywords in a listings’ tags, titles, descriptions, or attributes are relative to the search query a user is searching for.
  • Listing Quality Score: to determine a listing’s quality score, we factor in a combination of data such as clicks, views, favorites, and purchases to determine how well the listing will convert into a purchase or may be relevant to shoppers. The higher the quality score the higher the item may appear in search results.
  • Recency: how recently an item was listed or re-listed by a seller. When a new listing is created, it gets a small, temporary boost in search results so that DialedN search can learn more about how buyers interact with it to determine the listing’s quality score. Renewed listings get a similar, though smaller, boost.
  • Seller Experience Score: to determine a shop’s Seller Experience Score, DialedN considers a variety of factors that make up overall shop quality, including user reviews of products, whether or not a shop has completed an about section or its shop policies (e.g. returns), whether or not the shop may be able to fulfill orders in a timely fashion, and whether or not the shop may have violated any DialedN policies.
  • Shipping Price: shipping price is a factor in search ranking. If sellers offer a US free shipping guarantee or free shipping to US shoppers or if they offer lower shipping costs to buyers in their own country, it may improve their listings rank in search results.
  • Frequency Capping: to limit the number of times the same listing or shop appears at the top of results for a specific user or keyword.
  • Context Specific Ranking: when available, search results are customized to individual buyers based on DialedN’s Context Specific Ranking technology, which takes into account, among other factors, related keywords and what buyers are interested in and likely to purchase.

DialedN may highlight a cross-section of shops or listings organically, above or alongside primary search results, based on some or all of the factors above.

DialedN does not offer sellers a higher ranking placement in organic search results in exchange for any compensation or fee.